Sunday, January 17, 2010

Am i sick? Should i be worried about my nails turning blue at the base?what could it be? what should i do?

actually this happens to me a lot.. is it only when you are cold?

if so then you could have poor circulation to your fingers and toes.. it has a name but i cant think of it right now. you may want to talk to your doctor but it may be nothing. if it is like poor circulation they just give you some medicine or something like that.Am i sick? Should i be worried about my nails turning blue at the base?what could it be? what should i do?
It could be poor circulation or your blood is not getting enough oxygen. If this happens often I would consider checking in with the doc. Call and see if he thinks this warrents a visit to his office to get checked out.Am i sick? Should i be worried about my nails turning blue at the base?what could it be? what should i do?
You should go to a dr.You may be having signs of early stage cardiac complications.You are not getting enough oxygen into your blood.
yes you should be worried...there are many different reason for a doctor
I would go see my doctor. Try this press on your nail bed, it will turn white. After you let go the color should return within 1-2 seconds. It doesn't even take a second for my color to return. That鈥檚 a good way to check circulation. Even if the color returns quickly please go see a doctor. Clubbing of the fingers is also a very serious warning sign. Good luck!!
what are you sick with? The only thing I have ever heard about blueish nails was that this was potentially a warning sign of poor circulation, maybe pointing to heart problems.
It is a sign of cyanosis which can be bad. This indicates poor profusion, you may have peripheral vascular disease, generally not a good thing.

Do consult with a Doctor because it may also be a sign of congestive heart failure, pulmonary edema. Your oxygen saturation may be below 70%, instead of 94-100%.
This sounds like a case for.... HOUSE M.D.!!!

Sorry, I love that show.

Anyway, you should see your doctor. No part of your body is SUPPOSED to be blue, except maybe your eyes, and if you have very fair skin, a few little traces of veins.

I would think it's probably a circulatory problem, but I'm not a doc.

I'd get it checked out, though.

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